Supplying the wireless and wired colleges network and university facilities with 42thousand points - عمادة تقنية المعلومات والإتصالات

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null Supplying the wireless and wired colleges network and university facilities with 42thousand points


Deanship of Information and Communication Technology at the University of Najran announced completion of the project to raise the efficiency of the Internet within the colleges , university facilities and the students hostel, including more than 42 thousand wired point, average of 3 thousand points for each College,including more than 350 points, broadcast radio frequency to serve the educational process, and to ensure the fast and safe network connection inside the university campus to serve all staff.
 This comes from the university as an effort to develop all the modern technical aspects after having been a pioneer in the adoption of the electronic transactions, " paperless University " several years ago.
Last year, the university  achieved 14th place out of 150 government entities in the application of e-government transactions, According to a report of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology; the report referred to the university offers in the application of electronic transactions which achieved breakthrough in the availability stage representing 89.61% compared to the year before last proportion 70.09%